AI & AT-Assisted Tools


AI and AI-assisted Tools

Authorship implies human-only responsibilities and duties. Each author is responsible for ensuring that any questions regarding the accuracy or integrity of any portion of the work are adequately investigated and resolved, and authorship requires the ability to endorse the final version of the work and consent to its submission. The authors are also responsible for ensuring that the work is original, that the indicated authors qualify for authorship, and that the work does not violate the rights of third parties.

Papers generated by AI or AI-assisted Tools are not accepted for publication in this Journal. This policy pertains only to the writing process and not to the use of AI tools to analyze data and gain insights for the research procedure. This policy does not prohibit the use of artificial intelligence and AI-assisted instruments in formal research design or research methods. When AI or AI-assisted tools are used in this context, they should be described in the Methods section as part of the work's methodology.

The authors are responsible and answerable for the content of their work. The authors should indicate in their manuscript if they utilized AI and AI-assisted technologies, and a corresponding statement will appear in the final product. Disclosure of the use of these technologies promotes honesty and trust among authors, readers, reviewers, editors, and contributors and facilitates adherence to the tool's or technology's terms of service.

Originality and Plagiarism

Authors can guarantee that their writings are entirely unique and that any writing or words credited to another are properly referenced. Additionally, publications that had an impact on the nature of the finding reported in the manuscript should be acknowledged. The writers must certify that the manuscript has never been written before.

It is not permitted to copy text from other publications without correctly attributing the source (plagiarism) or to publish several papers with nearly identical material by the same writers (self-plagiarism). It is against the law to concurrently apply the same results to more than one Journal. It is prohibited for authors to present results collected from others as their own. Authors should consider the work of those who shaped the direction and course of their research.

Check plagiarism

The ijte will conduct a plagiarism check on all submitted papers using Turnitin's program. The ijte only considers papers with less than 20% similarity index for publication. IJTE will immediately reject any paper that involves plagiarism.