The Dynamics of Teachers’ Instruction in Nepali Classrooms




Instruction-giving, ESL or EFL, language, strategies


Regardless of the significant role of instruction-giving in EFL classrooms in achieving lesson goals, some research in Nepal explores its impact on classroom efficiency and student participation. This paper intends to bridge this research gap by assessing the instructional strategies of English teachers. Conducted in Nepal, the research observed 15 English teachers during their lessons to assess their instruction-giving techniques. Using a mixed-methods approach, data was collected through classroom observations and analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Findings reveal that repetition, board writing of key points, and demonstrations effectively reinforce instructions and aid comprehension. However, challenges remain in optimizing instruction delivery. The paper highlights the need for professional development programs that emphasize repetition, language simplification, visual aids, and demonstrations. These findings can inform teacher training modules, ultimately enhancing classroom management and student learning outcomes. This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on instructional strategies in Nepal’s EFL/ESL classrooms.

Author Biographies

Ashim Rai, English Department, Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Ashim Rai is an M.A. graduate at Tribhuvan University. He has been working as an English teacher in Nepal’s premium colleges. His research areas include ESL teaching, teaching pedagogy, indigenous knowledge, writing, etc. (ORCiD: 0009-0006-1491-3099).

Devi Prasad Pokharel, Pokhara University, Nepal

Devi Prasad Pokharel is an M.Phil.  graduate from Pokhara University, Nepal. He is a Corporate Lawyer and a Finance Manager at Agricultural Development Bank Limited. He also works part-time as a lecturer and writes articles for newspapers. (ORCiD: 0009-0009-0149-1415).


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How to Cite

Rai, A., & Pokharel, D. P. (2025). The Dynamics of Teachers’ Instruction in Nepali Classrooms. International Journal of Language Instruction, 4(1), 20–32.



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