EFL Students’ Attitudes Towards Teacher Correction and Peer Correction in Writing Skills





error correction, teacher correction, peer correction, corrective feedback, attitudes


The purpose of this study was to (1) find out the attitudes of non-English speaking students at Tra Vinh University towards error correction in writing skills, including teacher and peer correction, and (2) discover their perspectives on the benefits and drawbacks of both types of corrective feedback. A questionnaire with 25 items and an interview with two questions about the chosen research topic was used to gather the data for this study. 13 non-English-speaking students with majors in Vietnamese literature and Accounting were the primary participants in this study at Tra Vinh University. The findings indicated that the majority of participants highly appreciated teacher correction. Nevertheless, peer correction was also preferred by some participants. This meant that the participants’ attitudes towards teacher and peer correction varied significantly, which gave a wide range of thorough insights for further studies in this area.

Author Biography

Vo Thi Thanh Mai, Tra Vinh University, Tra Vinh City, Vietnam

Currently, Vo Thi Thanh Mai is working as an English teacher at Victory center and Tra Vinh university in Tra Vinh city, Vietnam. She has been teaching since 2019, and she has been extremely lucky when having classes with numerous types of learners, which significantly varies her teaching experiences. In terms of doing research, She is really into discovering English learning and teaching problems in order to seek solutions for both herself and other teachers who are also interested in this field. To be more specific, among a wide range of English skills and elements, writing always attracts her attention because it is regularly believed to be the most difficult skill to master. This means students are likely to struggle with a great number of writing problems that hinder their English learning development. Thus, she is motivated to study this area as much as she can.


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How to Cite

Vo, T. T. M. (2022). EFL Students’ Attitudes Towards Teacher Correction and Peer Correction in Writing Skills. International Journal of Language Instruction, 1(1), 155–173. https://doi.org/10.54855/ijli.221113



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