EFL In-service Teachers and Teachers' Perceptions of Challenges in Teaching Idioms to B1 Learners





teaching idioms, EFL learners, teachers’ perceptions


Teaching idioms in English language classrooms has been extensively investigated by researchers around the world. This study examines the difficulties that EFL in-service teachers and teachers face when teaching idioms to B1 learners and their perceptions of the cultural aspects involved. The findings indicate that teachers encounter challenges due to learners' difficulties with understanding the figurative meanings of idioms, limited availability of suitable textbooks, and a lack of opportunities for contextual learning. The findings also highlight the importance of culture in understanding idioms and suggest that integrating cultural insights can improve idiomatic proficiency and communication skills. The study emphasizes the necessity of implementing contextualized teaching strategies to address these challenges.

Author Biographies

Nguyen Duong Nhu Quynh, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Vietnam

Nguyen Duong Nhu Quynh is a postgraduate of Van Lang University's Faculty of Foreign Languages in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, discusses Tesol-majored teachers’ challenges in teaching idioms to EFL B1 students, as well as those teachers’ strategies to teach idioms effectively. The Faculty of Foreign Languages at Van Lang University is where she is currently conducting her research.

Bui Thi Huyen, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Vietnam

Bui Thi Huyen is a postgraduate of Van Lang University's Faculty of Foreign Languages in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, discusses Tesol-majored teachers challenges in teaching idioms to EFL B1 students, as well as those teachers’ strategies to teach idioms effectively. The Faculty of Foreign Languages at Van Lang University is where she is currently conducting her research.


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How to Cite

Nguyen, D. N. Q., & Bui, T. H. (2025). EFL In-service Teachers and Teachers’ Perceptions of Challenges in Teaching Idioms to B1 Learners. International Journal of Language Instruction, 4(1), 65–82. https://doi.org/10.54855/ijli.25415



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