Using an innovative icebreaker in EFL classes to assess and enhance students’ speaking competence




Ice-breaker, speaking competence, classroom climate, English as a foreign language, Innovative learning


Icebreakers have proved advantageous to the foreign language (L2) classroom. However, there is no known documented research on the ‘How much do you use?’ toilet paper icebreaker activity in L2 classes. This study seeks to conduct initial research on its incorporation. The authors sought to ascertain learners’ and instructors’ perceptions of this icebreaker in L2 contexts. Eight undergraduate students of Applied Foreign Languages learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and their instructor at Clermont Auvergne University participated in the study. Data were collected via an Instagram poll and the instructor’s checklist and observation notes, which were analyzed through the qualitative method. Major findings show that students appreciated the icebreaker and considered it entertaining, memorable, original, and engaging. The instructor found that the icebreaker preliminarily evaluated the learners’ linguistic (speaking) skills. However, toilet paper as an apparatus in this icebreaker may raise concerns of potential cultural sensitivity; therefore, the instructor should be mindful of the socio-cultural learning context. In this article, the authors highlighted the benefits and concerns of using this icebreaker and ways to lessen or overcome possible challenges.

Author Biographies

Oneil N. Madden, Northern Caribbean University, Jamaica

Oneil Madden is an applied linguist and PhD candidate in language sciences (L2 didactics) at the Laboratoire de Recherche sur le Langage (LRL), attached to  Clermont Auvergne University (UCA) in France, where he taught for five years. He served as French Language Coordinator for three years and interim Chair of the Department of Humanities at Northern Caribbean University in Jamaica. He is currently a lecturer of Academic Literacy and French at the Language Teaching and Research Centre (LTRC) within the Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies (FELS), which falls under the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) at the University of Technology (UTech), Jamaica. His research interests include telecollaboration, multimodal instruction, online pedagogical scenarios, gamification in language education, foreign language teaching strategies, and foreign language teacher training and pedagogy.

Roman R. Robinson, Department of Mathematics, Westwood High School for Girls, Jamaica

Roman Robinson is an educator who holds a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) in Mathematics from The University of the West Indies and Shortwood Teachers’ College. He is also TESOL/TEFL certified. With three years of teaching experience, he has worked in both public and private educational institutions. Currently, he teaches Mathematics and Pure Mathematics at Westwood High School for Girls. Roman has always had a deep passion for languages, which he actively incorporates into his teaching methodology to enhance students’ understanding of mathematical concepts. He is also an avid learner of Spanish.


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How to Cite

Madden, N. O., & Robinson, R. R. (2025). Using an innovative icebreaker in EFL classes to assess and enhance students’ speaking competence. International Journal of Language Instruction, 4(1), 1–19.



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