EFL Learners’ Perceptions of Translanguaging in English classes at an HCM English Centre
Translanguaging, English as a foreign language (EFL), translanguaging practicesAbstract
This study examines 28 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ perception of the use of translanguaging in English classes at a language center in Ho Chi Minh City (HCM). The study aims to explore how EFL learners perceive its impacts on their language learning and classroom experiences. The data were collected through surveys and interviews regarding the participants' attitudes toward using their mother tongue in English classes. The results indicate that participants consider translanguaging a useful medium, which increases comprehension, promotes communication opportunities, and creates a supportive learning atmosphere, but could also lead to confusion or dependence on the L1. The findings also suggest that translanguaging may be more appropriate for lower-proficiency classes. This study contributes to the expanding body of literature about translanguaging and offers useful information for teachers interested in successfully applying multilingual strategies in Vietnamese EFL classrooms.
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